Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014! Time To Get My Geek Back.

The things I want to see myself do for this new year:
  • Get comfortable enough with myself to put myself out there to meet new people!
  • Read more comic books:
    • Finish "Birds of Prey"
    • Read "Fables"
  • Blog!
  • Play Dungeons & Dragons:
    • Keep having fun with my own campaign!
    • Have fun doodling and character creating for Tony's campaign!
  • Tarot cards:
    • Find my deck.
    • Memorize cards, positions, and meanings.
    • Read for alllll the people!
  • Subscribe to Nerdblock (as soon as I can afford it).

This new year is going to be awesome!


Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Beautiful Fall Wedding.

My Dads' wedding was just gorgeous. The park we were able to do the ceremony was beautiful. The wedding took place in Washington. All of the leaves on the trees in the park were yellow gold and the chilly wind was blowing through the trees and making the leaves fall. The sun was out the whole afternoon. As though it was sunny just for my dads. It was absolutely gorgeous. My dad's have been together forever! So it feels like this happened so long ago, but I'm glad that my dads were able to have a ceremony and that they now get to be recognized by the Government as a couple!

I thought I would share some pictures!


My Dads look so happy! It's about time! I love you both!
Happily Married on 11/11/13!

Can't sleep? MUSIC!

I know I haven't written in a while. Things have been so crazy. I haven't been able to sleep very well lately and have noticed me clenching my jaw again. I, however, have been waking up when I'm doing it which is a very welcome change. I woke up at 5:00 AM today and can't get back to sleep. So I decided to listen to Pandora! I feel so much better when I listen to music. I thought I would share how it's going down.

My station that I'm stuck on for life; Here.

This is me right now:

And I dance! Hoping not to wake my roommates who need to wake up soon!
This is for all my lovelies who can't sleep like me.

Dance like no one is watching!
Have your own party!
Don't let the world bring you down!
Even if you feel like a weirdo dancing in the dark!
It's worth it.