Yay! I got bangs! After debating wether or not I wanted to keep them long for the last year. I finally pulled the trigger and cut them! My personal opinion and a little nudge from my co-worker, Jeani, helped me decide that bangs were needed. I love having bangs! It's just that when they start to get long they become a hassle. So I'll really need to keep on them and make sure they stay the same length. I also trimmed about two inches or so off the rest; to make the ends look healthier and to help it grow!
I've been getting all sorts of great compliments about my hair at work lately! I had violet peak-a-boo highlights in my hair at one point. The violet color has faded and now it is this red/gold color. Since my hair cut a lot more people have been noticing the color. I think it's due to the small layers that I did in order to make my hair seem thinner. I really want to re-dye my streaks to get the violet back but I may not be able to do that with this job. It's just soooo tempting though.
I recently went to Sally's and noticed that their bleaches, developer, and dyes were on sale! It was so hard to turn away! They had some amazing colors available by Color Brilliance! The Aqua and Purple colors are AMAZING! I think the lavender color is absolutely beautiful! I'm pretty sure though that if I did the lavender with my dark hair it might lose its luster with such a dark natural hair color as a backdrop. I'd have to bleach the heck out of my hair to try to get it light enough so that the color would end up the way it's supposed to. I think the aqua is too-cool-for-school and would look awesome with my skin tone! There's no harm in me daydreaming about having crazy awesome hair colors, right?
“Like some winter animal the moon licks the salt of your hand,Yet still your hair foams violet as a lilac treeFrom which a small wood-owl calls.”― Johannes Bobrowski