Monday, August 12, 2013

Panda Cosmic Power, Make-Up~!

Lilka being all worried and cuddling with me.
I was feeling totally down today. I felt like all of my energy was gone from my body. I think it was a combination of all the work I've been doing lately and stressing out about the old apartment stuff. You know that feel that you get sometimes when you are really lonely even though there are plenty of people around you? And all you need is a hug? Yeah... It was that feel. I slept in and made my best friends worry. Even my cat was laying down on my chest meowing at my face. I'm a horrible human being sometimes. Shannon came and woke me up cause she was worried and wanted to see if I was okay. It was really sweet of her she's the best. Then Tony kept trying to actually get me up by showing me YouTube videos. Then Aaron sent me some positivity by text and made me feel better. I'm a very lucky person to have so many people who care and worry about me. I would be lying if I said that I didn't miss my family. However, being around these people makes me so happy that missing my family isn't nearly as noticeable as it usually would be.

Yay! Make-up!
After talking to my friends for a little bit, I finally got my ass out of bed, took a shower, and put on make-up. Putting on make-up always makes me feel better. Even when I mess it up!I found that I like bright pinks on my cheeks but not so much on my lips. That may be more of a fact that I'm not used to wearing it.

Our cat Lilka is still all over me and worried. Even while I'm writing this entry. She's so cute sometimes. Long story short, I'm feeling better now. I think I just needed to remember that I still have amazing people around me that support me and want me to be happy 24-7. I think that it's also okay for me to be down sometimes, as long as I remember to bring myself back up by the end of the day.

"Its just a spark| But its enough to keep me going |And when its dark out, no ones around |It keeps glowing" -Paramore, 'Last Hope'

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