Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mourning Isn't My Style

When life hits you; she bitch slaps you. Then it's up to you to decide how to react. The last couple of weeks have been really hard on me, physically and emotionally.
Shannon and I had shared a cat for... it seems like forever. Maybe around seven years? Shannon has a really intense job that she strives for; which causes her to move around a lot. While she had to move around she would leave the cat with me so I wouldn't be so lonely and so she knew the cat was with someone she trusted. Our cat Lilka, the cute monster in the above pictures, died a couple weeks ago. I took the news really hard. I'm still trying to recover. It's hard not having her right next to me but the experiences and the memories I have of her will always be with me. So I am doing my best to remember how much I love her instead of remembering how much I miss her. I decided that celebrating the good times I had with her is better than mourning the time I wont be able to spend with her. That view has been helping me through it.

I also have been dealing with dental stuff. I woke up in unbearable pain in the middle of the night. I thought that maybe I was grinding my teeth again and caused a tooth to break. I talked to 14 different dental places and only one was able to get me in as soon as possible to find out what was going on. I found out that I needed a root canal; which is total ouchies. I have been on pain killers and antibiotics for about 3 weeks now. I was searching around for a cheaper option and finally found a Dentist near me that I trust. Today, I finally got the first part of the root canal done. It was about $140.00 out of pocket. It was totally worth it to not be able to feel the pain. This temporary filling they used will last a few months until I can go in to finish it and put on a crown (which will cost almost $1,500.00). Let's just say that I wont be looking at expensive Halloween costumes stuff anymore (even though I want to).

With all that being said I am hoping to keep posting on this blog as much as possible about the things I love and continue to interact with some of my favorite bloggers. I have some really neat ideas about things to post in the future! So look forward to it.

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